Welcome to BookBirdies!

Welcome to BookBirdies!

Welcome to BookBirdies! I'm happy you're here. This is the very beginning of an exciting journey to print books for everyone. Yes, I mean everyone!

Have you ever tried finding a printer to print one hardcover book for a passion project or for a loved one? If there aren't minimum quantities for your order, there's a hefty fee that you just can't afford. It seems like book printing is only for the mass producers and I didn't like that. I want everyone to have access to print, whether you're an artist, a teacher, a neighbor, or a parent. There is creativity, passion, and love in all of us and it is my goal to make all our passion projects come to life, one book at a time.

It isn't easy to make a book from scratch, so please enjoy my blog as I perfect my techniques for printing. I have many things coming soon like stickers, greeting cards, and custom journals, so sign up for my email list so you'll be the first to know when they're available!

Thank you for your support, I look forward to printing for you in the future!


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